617MediaGroup / CLIENT: Building Trades Employers Association

The Northeastern branch of the Building Trades Employers Association (BTEA Northeast) hosts an annual conference called ‘The Building Trades for Recovery Event.’ This event seeks to end the stigma around drug use, support members struggling with addiction, and highlight services within their unions and insurance benefits such as Modern Assistance.

BTEA came to 617 MediaGroup for help promoting the event through print and digital advertising, press, and event coordination. My role in this project was strictly in the realm of design, and I was not responsible for writing nor coordinating the placements of the advertising and social media; however, I did oversee additional designers who helped to tackle some of the event items, such as popup banners, a step and repeat backdrop and welcome banners.

I started working on this project by refreshing their event logo and building a brand identity that reflected the clean and professional image the BTEA wanted their event to have. In addition, I created the following:

  • A suite of 20+ graphics for social media and digital ads, which ran on sites such as Massterlist and BBJ
  • A print ad that was replicated to run in The Boston GlobeBoston HeraldBanker and Tradesman, and NEREJ
  • A custom paper coffee cup design